Wednesday, July 30, 2008


When we can only make one decision in the same time,
we feel that we are lost.
We do not understand which path should we take.
We are feeling torn apart,
even in dilemma.
We are always asking ourselves
the reason we cannot decide both at the same time.
If we choose one of them,
we have to let go the another one.
We cannot decide all at once.
If we make the mistake,
the consequence is not pleasant.
We are born to be make only one decision
each time.

Why we cannot make two or more decision at the same time?
Because other people will think that we are greedy,
have no standpoint,

as the situation is not allow us to do so and etc.


Life is hectic.
Life is occupied with works.
No one is preoccupied.
Everyone has plenty of things to do in every day's life.
These are our routines and duties.
Anyone who has nothing to do and only knows to grumble
is someone who is lazy.

Sometimes, things get incompleted when there is no enough
or spare time.
This is what we bother about.
When we have so many things to do,
we must appreciate that our life is never dull.
We will find every thing is interesting,
every minute is joyous
and every process is pleasant,
when we enjoy them fully.

Of course, we cannot overpressurize ourselves
and do not indulge in some activities
to relax ourselves.
Life has never lack of entertainment and recreation.
Life is meaningful.
We must feel thankful when we are still alive
to do things we love to do,
as we discover it full of interest and meaning.

Time is precious.
It is not a transferable commodity.
We can buy clocks and watches
but we cannot buy time with whatever,
even make compensation for the time that has been wasted.
Stop loitering anymore.
Have your time now and complete the incomplete.
Realize the importance of time,
do not just simply squander it away!

As a student,
we have many things to do,
nobody has the exception.
We have to go to school,
we have to study,
we have to do homework,
we have to sit for exam.
Do not ever burn midnight oil
at the eleventh hour!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Positive Attitude Becomes Spotlight!

If you fear to face the truth,
don't make your decision by now.
But this is considered as people who act cowardly.
Ignore all actions that will cause dicomfort;
strong will could control your behaviour.
Only when you're spirited,
and dare to reveal and face the truth,
desirable consequences will come to you
and you'll satisfy with your decision.

to accept the others
to end the conflict
to reveal the truth
change your ATTITUDE now
and become the spotlight of others

No Matter...

No matter what I've seen on my journey,
I'll continue with my journey to the end.

No matter how the thoughts blurred me,
I'll not being easily influenced by.

No matter how long the path is,
I'll never give up in despair.

No matter how difficult the process is,
I'll try my best to enjoy all the processes.

No matter how people judge me,
I just want to be myself.

No matter how many opponents I've met with,
I'll not raise white flag easily.

No matter how difficult the level is,
I just want to succeed and proceed to the next.

No one could stop me from taking my decision,
as I've resolved.

Whether there is a lure or what,
I'll not being deceived.

No loitering anymore,
as time is PRECIOUS!
Let's work hard together
to achieve TRIUMPH!

Friday, July 25, 2008

20th: marionette

As a marionette,
its activities and movements are always restricted;
every thing is in its owner's control.
It has no freedom, but the boredom at all...
Is that its willingness?
Its life is being shackled,
Endless sorrow, helpless, hopeless, shattered dreams...
But it has one ambition...
Its ambition is to escape from the predicament,
and eventually walk out from darkness and sufferings.
It resolves.



KFL说过: “这个是我们学校的传统啦…”(一口咬定,而且很有信心地)


他(不爽人家的)就说: “他们不时就来找中五的人(也就是我们),向你们报告事情、求助…”,为了什么?

然后他接着说: “还不是为了以后(明年)他们能在某个校内团体、学会中有所职位、地位…”




其一因素为: 那个人冒犯他、刺激他。




Why things go so complicated? Friendship becomes strained.






如有雷同 纯属巧合




Monday, July 7, 2008

Decision: episode IV


Declare your decision
but do not afraid of the comments of other people

Declare your decision
to reveal the truth

Declare your decision
if you want to be yourself

Declare your decision
but do not even compromised by others' thoughts

Declare your decision
without feeling doubtful anymore

Declare your decision
to break the silence

Declare your decision
and no more in dilemma again

Declare your decision
means you are not run away from truth
but you face it bravely

Declare your decision
to prove yourself
that you are courageous!

The VICTORY is yours
when you are able to fight against the blurred thoughts

Truth cannot be hidden completely
it must be revealed someday
Only with our emphatic decision
we can grow more wisely

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Oh my God, it started again...


今天放学后,我的“恶梦”又开始了…那就是去Pekan Rabu搭巴士回家。天气热到不得了,再加上又要走几百米才到巴士站,累的咯!半途中,我爽爽走进7-Eleven吹冷气一下,爽爽又叫FL他们进来。在里面逛一下子,我们就出来了,没有人买东西pun(除了OCS)。到了巴士站,我们找一个位子坐下来就开始聊起来了。我(们)一直都被整,讲:“巴士来了!”,而且还是四五次。生气咯,等巴士等到一小时这样巴士还没有来,我们就继续讲废话、有的没的…过了一下子,巴士终于来了,谢天谢地!The bus was packed to capacity just now. 在巴士上,他们的话还是讲不能完,叽叽喳喳在那边。只有我孤独地(旁边不认识的)坐在前面,沉默地…
On my way home, I was humming to myself~




一、早上下课之前的国语节的时候,老师突然给我们来一个考试,考题是作业簿里面的SPM模范试卷二,包括Cerpen,Prosa Klasik和Tatabahasa而已(这还不算什么惊喜kot3 la1)。做Tatabahasa时还算顺利,Cerpen跟Prosa Klasik就要花时间去想要怎样回答它的问题(尤其是Soalan KBKK)。


Ujian Bulan Julai (surprise!!)


11.10a.m.-12.10 p.m.

哪里可能,老师都没有预先通知我们,一定是昨天老师写的还没有擦掉。不要傻!明明就是今天要考试!我们问老师确定一下,老师讲不用读书也能做。我们讲:“Cikgu, mana boleh?”,老师在偷笑…我们就翻开课本匆匆忙忙地“扫”(sao4)过重要的facts,diagrams…老师跟我们讲只是考Paper 3的Section A nia3,幸好幸好…有些问题我不是很肯定答案,又有些calculation part的问题我很confused,因为我不知道是不是要把 e.g. 2.5 mm 换成 0.0025 m OR 2.5x10^-3 m…没有办法,就用原本给的values和units(刚才我们一直把WB的calculator传来传去)。

三、英文节的时候,Pn. Zaemah突然给我们做试卷pula,Paper 2的Section B,Information Transfer。我最晕的咯,那些information要搬来搬去,有些要写complete的,有些不可以整句这样直接搬进空格,要do a little modification。刚才ZJ又跟我讲话一下,讲他的表姐和她的老公的婆婆(我不会讲)不和blah blah blah…一部分人已经做好交上去了,我在那边拼命地写。It was (a part of) ZJ's fault.
Talking to myself~: Love Japan.Love Japan Airlines (JAL)

四、OYY又给我一个惊喜pula!他叫我帮他剪那个Kerja Kursus Pendidikan Moral打印好的照片,然后明天粘在他的folio里面。ZJ又在我旁边kap siao一下,OYY一直叫我帮他,我静静不出声。他讲他会请我吃东西,也不知道是真的还是假的?我就顺口答应他(我不要帮他的咯)…我一定要他请个够!LPP又来我座位kap siao一下,讲:“没有人叫你帮他…(他一脸不爽的样子)”,真的是欠揍!Again, it was (a part of) ZJ and also PP's fault.

刚才真的是lao1 pui3,我问WB他有没有伍家辉的歌(我讲成伍健辉pula),他一直听到gong3 gong3,讲:“我不认识有伍健辉这个歌手。”后来转了几个弯他才讲:“那个是伍家辉来的啦…”,我才讲:“ha3,就是他咯!”真的是不好意思…
What the big surprises my teachers and friends had given me!


今天放学过后有kawat练习(纯粹为了准备星期六的比赛)。我们一班人出去City Plaza的Food Court吃到三点这样才回来学校(蛮久一下)。我们kawat之前,还很疯狂一下,跑去水池旁边玩水,甚至用水还泼对方(中最惨的是WB、NIW跟KFL了啦)。几岁了,还玩水泼人家(我自己也是,哈)。我们的组有七个人,一个commander。Commander有时zho1 xiao4,而我不是整天做错,就是忘记step,好yu2。我们kawat没多久,就休息一下,然后又继续。
So, we can conclude that our: